Womens Global Alliance

Get Involved


For All Women and Supportive Men in 195 Nations – We invite you to…

1. Read the Women’s Global Alliance’s website homepage and become familiar with the mission and purpose of the WGA.

2. Complete the WGA Questionnaire. Click here.

3. After completing the Questionnaire, we will send you all the information you need to connect with leaders of organizations who are already working on the Sustainable Development Goal(s) that you are working on/choose to work on.

4. We will connect you with the organizations who are working on “your” SDG(s).

5. We will continue connecting you with more organizations in more countries. We will eventually connect SDG-focused leaders/organizations/companies in 195 nations.

6. Attend our WGA bi-monthly calls; always on the first and third WEDNESDAYS of every month, at 9am MOUNTAIN TIME, U.S. on Zoom line 602 000 2856.

7. If you choose to do so, become a WGA Executive Member or a WGA Elite Member, so you can receive/ attend additional Global Trainings, Masterminds, Retreats, Cruises, and travel (optional) to meet international leaders and to have opportunitiesto speak at WGA events worldwide. 

8. Choose your Membership Level: Entry (free), Executive, or Elite. Click here.

9. Choose to host one evening WGA event in 2024 (optional). 

If you become a WGA Event Director, you’ll receive training and continuous support from our WGA Events Director who will contact you and answer all your questions.

10. Attend a WGA live event! 

11. Receive the JOY that comes from knowing you are part of something that is changing lives and improving the world in profoundly significant ways.

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